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[About PHPJasperXML]

We initialize this project (Actually it is a class) because of we want to develop web report in php easily (The output of report is PDF/XLS because it platform indepent and printer friendly). This project allow php programmer or report designer design php web report easily. Even very junior PHP programmer able to design the PDF/EXCEL report with iReport (java based WYSIWYG report designer), but run natively in PHP. This project is completely difference from php-java bridge, a wrapper class will convered report element from jrxml and pass to tcpdf class.


  1. Develop PDF report with iReport, which is fast, flexible and effective
  2. Run natively in PHP, no integration with Java
  3. Integrate to your existing project easily
  4. You can submit whatever parameter into your PDF/EXCEL report easily, either with GET or POST
  5. Open sourced, you can change the library yourself.

Currently this project is consider stable but there are a lot of function in jasper report is not ready yet because compatibility issue between JAVA and PHP. However, you'll found that it already can create a lot of reports easily.

You can download PHPJasperXML 0.8d here

You can view a sample report Here

You can access more information at this forum.

[Project Leader:]
Ks Tan
Sim IT Sdn Bhd

[Core Programmer:]
Ng Jey Ruey (Multimedia University Practical Student)

[Why we want to create report in PDF/EXCEL]

  1. Web based programming need a standard layout out report, which is fixed and printer friendly. Using traditional HTML method is really hard to design multipage, beautiful and cross platform report.
  2. PDF is industry standard, the font, layout, margin is fixed. No matter at server side, client side and printer it display same result.
  3. PDF working well in all platform
  4. PDF support hyperlink, image, encryption and etc function.
  5. PDF is well known in market, most of the software already pre-install PDF viewer.
  6. PDF support multi-language.


  1. Download and extract this project into you website root directory (I assume /var/www/PHPJasperXML)
  2. Import sampledb.sql into mysql database, in this project we assume your username=root, password=mysql, database = phpjasperxml. If you use difference user/password/database, you shall change setting in sample1.php and sample2.php.
  3. With your favorite web browser, browse into http://localhost/PHPJasperXML/index.php, test report you like.
  4. Finish.

[How to Use This Class]

  1. You can use iReport to edit the sample1.jrxml, sample jrxml and see the effect from web browser.
  2. You can use any text editor to edit sample1.php and sample2.php, you will found that integrate the report into your project is like peanut.

[Join Development]

  1. Currently there is no any external programmer join into this project yet. If you feel interested into this project and willing to give your hand, simply create a topic in this forum: Please take note this project use TCPDF heavily.

[How To Edit The Report]

  1. Download iReport
  2. Use iReport to open sample1.jrxml, sample2.jrxml, sample3.jrxml.
  3. Perform changes and preview the report in iReport.
  4. Preview the report at http://localhost/PHPJasperXML/sample<N>.php

[Tutorial (With Sound)]

[Develop your own report]

  1. Copy PHPJasperXML/class/PHPJasperXML.php into your project folder
  2. Download iReport designer, design your report with iReport
  3. Copy PHPJasperXML/sample1.php into your project folder, rename it to <yourfile>.php.
  4. Edit <yourfile>.php, change the content inside to suit your requirement

[Online Demo]

Click online demo to see the sample output


Here is a simple Wiki which is still under development.


This project is contribute by Sim IT Sdn Bhd, currently there is no commercial support yet. However for those company feel interest to establish long term relationship with SIm IT Sdn Bhd can visit our company website (Sim IT Sdn Bhd) and call our representative.

You can get iReport from below link:

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